Mr Jez

Why? Why bother with a website? A blog? Facebook? Instagram? It's all nonsense and vanity. Fluff and rubbish. Ruff and flubbish. Vanity, vanity all is vanity.

Well, I've always been 'a creative' (I've got a doctor's note to prove it so nerrr!) and I've worked in various creative positions (sitting down, standing up,  downward dog) but now my role in life is a stay-at-home dad (yay me!). However, someone whose opinion I value (no, it wasn't me) asked me what I was going to do to get my creativity out. I thought I didn't need to, it transpires I was wrong. I had just too much weirdness in my head I needed an outlet. So here it is. It's therapy for me. Maybe enjoyable for someone else "and profitable too, very likely, if you ever get over it”.

And so (yes I started that sentence with 'and') I blog. I'm (or at least I was) a writer by profession and I need to write. Just for sanity's sake.

I also (it seems) like brackets...



What i'm

Playing: Batman - Arkham Knight (again); Breath of the Wild

Playing: One Night Alien; Outlawed; Zombicide Black Plague

Watching: Batman: The Animated Series

Reading: Batman The Miniatures Game Rulebook, LOTR (again!).

Listening To: Ed Sheeran (÷); Sam Cooke; weird voices in my head (step away from the knives...)