You can always go "Downtown"... (and get eaten)
Well, after finally finishing painting the game, we though we really should get down to playing. Actually, that makes it sound like it was a chore. Let's rephrase that. After finally finishing painting the game, we couldn't wait to get it to the table. Yes, that'll do.
The lads were up for the weekend and being big Zombicide fans, we decided to crack out Black Plague. We started on the first mission (name) because, as Julie Andrews will tell you, "Let's start at the very beginning."
Set up was easy and we didn't have our usual 3 hour (hyperbole) rigamarole of deciding which characters dovetailed best together, as there were only six to choose from. Suzi choose (nun), I chose Samson, Dan chose (elf) and Nate chose Baldric(k). I then changed to Nelly as I wanted to gain from the one free move action (take that stunty!).
Spooky music playlist on the stereo, snacks-a-plenty (but no-one allowed to touch cards or figures with snack hands) and we're off.
The mission is listed in the book as 'Easy'. Being Zombicide veterans of Seasons 1,2 & 3, we normally like a challenge but we thought it might even out as we were only taking four survivors, plus, if we managed an early finish, we could still get it over and done with before Match of the Day (shocking case of priorities).
The new dashboards are a fabulous addition. Not only are they fun to play around with (I'm an inveterate fiddler) but they make organisation a breeze and you don't have the "I-better-not-sneeze-or-these-will-all-go-everywhere" issue you had with the original Zombicide, looming over you like an undead sword of Damocles (is that even a thing?!!). The only downside is that I now want all the original Zombicide cards re-done in order to fit this dash.
My dashboard late on in the game.
Zombie Flambé (which is a rhyme... almost... sort of!).